From the mountains to the sea, salmon connect us. Saving them means following their lead: connecting and integrating the actions of all who have a stake in their recovery. This is what LLTK has been doing for 30 years. It’s what we do best.
In 1986, LLTK’s founders—concerned about declines in fisheries and wild fish populations—rolled up their sleeves and decided to do something about it.
Our earliest project established a new Chinook run in north Puget Sound, introducing a sustainable fishery where none had existed before. We expanded that approach to SW Washington and Hood Canal, bringing innovative methods and increasing salmon and steelhead runs that had—in many instances—dwindled to the single digits.
But just as salmon transition through several life stages, LLTK kept growing; seeking to make a broader impact. With our in-stream expertise, management insight, and success record, we were uniquely qualified to assist the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Tribes, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service in recalibrating hatchery operations to restore wild fish and support sustainable fishing.
Now LLTK is working with Federal and State leaders and our partners to secure the important resources needed to address all elements of recovery—from hatchery reform to basic science and habitat restoration—and with watershed stakeholders to measure our progress.
With your help, we’re leveraging our international work on marine survival in the Salish Sea to shed new light on the health of salmon throughout the NE Pacific; partnering with universities, other nonprofits and the Boeing Co. and Vulcan Inc. to address stormwater impacts on salmon; and targeting critical infrastructure bottlenecks—like the Hood Canal Bridge and Lake Washington Ship Canal—to identify, fund and implement solutions.
It’s an honor to serve at the helm of this dynamic and driven organization, which has for 30 years delivered on the promise of our founders to seek and pursue new solutions. I invite you to join us as we embark on the next phase of our lifecycle and expand LLTK’s influence throughout the north Pacific. Thank you for your support of our work. We couldn’t do it without you.
Jacques White, LLTK Executive Director
The Hood Canal Bridge Ecosystem Impact Assessment builds off our efforts to recover steelhead populations and increase marine survival by pinpointing the cause of high steelhead mortality and changes in water circulation related to the floating bridge.
Scientists will investigate the specific effects of the bridge so that a team of managers may implement solutions that don’t impact bridge’s functionality as a transportation corridor. This problem is a key priority considering the millions of dollars already spent recovering salmon and steelhead populations in the Hood Canal. Tackling this regional issue capitalizes on LLTK’s success organizing large groups of stakeholders around a common goal.
In Puget Sound, it’s tough going for Washington’s State Fish. The Puget Sound steelhead population has shrunk to less than one tenth of its historic size and faces possible extinction. For the past eighteen years, LLTK has worked hard to help reverse the fate of our steelhead. Along the way, we’ve been using every wrench, screwdriver, and hammer in our toolbox to help.
Since 1998, LLTK and our partners have been testing a novel approach to Hood Canal steelhead recovery at Lilliwaup Hatchery. Led by NOAA fisheries, we have developed a way to use hatcheries to increase the number of wild steelhead while minimizing the damaging effects artificial rearing can have on the productivity of the population.
Through our Hood Canal Steelhead Project and affiliated work in Puget Sound, scientists learned that juvenile steelhead were dying at high rates during their short two-week trek from their natal rivers to the Pacific Ocean. Established in 2014, LLTK’s Salish Sea Marine Survival Project works to tackle this issue, combining the forces of over 60 entities to drive the science necessary to determine why juvenile steelhead, and Chinook and coho, aren’t fairing as well as they used to in Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia.
Puget Sound steelhead were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 2007. Nine years have gone by and still no plan is in place to recover them. From 2012-2014, LLTK worked with resource managers in Hood Canal to assemble the information necessary to guide the development of a recovery plan. In 2015, LLTK was nominated to a seat on the Puget Sound Steelhead Recovery Team. In this role, LLTK brings the most current science from the marine survival project and our conservation planning skills to ensure a clear, actionable recovery plan is developed.
Twenty-five years ago, summer chum were nearly extinct in Hood Canal. Rivers once teaming with them had 0 to 100 fish left. In the late 1990s Hood Cana summer chum were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Resource managers began to take immediate action, curbing overharvest and initiating habitat restoration in critical areas. But with so few fish left, there was concern that some populations of summer chum would blink out without intervention.
LLTK’s, Lilliwaup Field Station was constructed in 1993. This facility was a vision of emergency room care for salmon come to life, extending LLTK’s approach of carefully using hatcheries to benefit wild salmon into Hood Canal. In 1995, LLTK began working with partners to boost the wild summer chum populations in greatest need while habitat and harvest limiting factors were being addressed. This would be limited intervention: long enough to boost the population to a point where they are again self-sustaining, but short enough to prevent hatchery rearing from domesticating the chum, reducing their ability to reproduce in the wild. LLTK focused on summer chum in the Hamma Hamma River and Lilliwaup Creek.
Twenty-one years later, the fish are everywhere! In the Hamma Hamma River, we discontinued operations after successfully making the population self-sustaining: adult returns have rebounded from ~100 to nearly 2,000 each year. In Lilliwaup Creek, the number of adult chum returning to spawn has risen from 15-20 to over 1,000 per year. While summer chum have made a dramatic come back, we aren’t out of the woods yet. More Hood Canal rivers need their chum back, and habitat must be restored before this population can truly be considered recovered.
Our Impact
View a timeline of our 30 years of work to restore wild salmon and steelhead and provide sustainable fishing here >
Stats Here
Revenue | Expenses
*A large private gift from 2015 is restricted for project activities in 2016/2017.
Funding Sources
- Federal Government: $821,361
- State Government: $613,132
- Local Government: $139,159
- Foundation: $141,276
- Nonprofit: $67,084
- Private: $797,233
2016 Projects
LLTK currently has projects in Washington and Oregon and stretching into British Columbia. Below is a sampling of some of what we worked on, with your support, in 2016. To learn more about these and other LLTK projects, visit us at www.lltk.org
The Hood Canal Steelhead Project
Hood Canal steelhead are at the brink of extinction. In response, LLTK has partnered with NOAA Fisheries and six other entities to test and assess an innovative approach to boost the abundance of these fish: low-impact, time-limited hatchery intervention. The lessons we learn from this study will provide crucial information about the efficacy of hatcheries as conservation tools throughout the Northwest. Learn more>
Glenwood Springs Chinook Program
Hatcheries are vital in maintaining fisheries, meeting tribal treaty obligations, and compensating for depleted wild populations. But hatchery fish can compromise the genetic fitness of their wild counterparts if they are allowed to mate. Chinook reared at our Glenwood Springs Field Station, strategically located on Orcas Island, are geographically separated from wild Puget Sound Chinook, allowing us to provide a sustainable fishery in north Puget Sound without negatively impacting the wild stocks. Learn more >
The Salish Sea Marine Survival Project
The Salish Sea Marine Survival Project unites U.S. and Canadian researchers to determine why juvenile Chinook, coho, and steelhead are dying in our combined waters of Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia, collectively known as the Salish Sea. LLTK, in partnership with the Pacific Salmon Foundation of Canada, coordinates more than 60 organizations in conducting a holistic study of the physical, chemical, and biological factors impacting salmon and steelhead survival. This project serves as a model for ecosystem-scale collaborative science; its results will facilitate smarter management and stronger returns. Learn more>
Chinook Adaptive Management
Puget Sound Chinook salmon were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1999. In response, there was a bottom-up approach to planning that resulted in watershed-by-watershed recovery plans, drawing an unprecedented level of community involvement and support. These plans were approved by NOAA in 2007. Today, Long Live the Kings is working with agencies, tribes, and other partners at many levels to refine, improve, and manage Chinook recovery actions around Puget Sound. Learn more>
Steelhead Recovery Planning
LLTK staff are working with steelhead experts around the region to document linkages between human activities and specific impacts to steelhead survival by life stage. We’ve formally joined the NOAA-led Puget Sound Steelhead Recovery Team. To this effort, we bring our experience improving the Chinook recovery plans, drafting the technical basis for a steelhead plan for the four Hood Canal populations in 2014, and working continuously on steelhead survival via the Hood Canal Bridge Assessment, Hood Canal Steelhead Project, and Salish Sea Marine Survival Project.
“Boeing supports LLTK’s innovative approach to science and community collaboration to help improve water quality and sustain our environment. The future of salmon recovery is everyone’s business.”
Thank you to all of our 2016 project partners. For a complete list of individual, corporate, and in-kind donors, please download our Printed Annual Report
- Boeing Company
- Bonneville Environmental Fund
- Canfisco
- Cascadia Consulting
- City of Bellingham
- City of Seattle
- Clallam County
- Cowichan Tribes
- Cramer Fish Sciences
- D.J. Warren and Associates
- Dukes Chowder House
- EnviroIssues
- Environmental Protection
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Friends of Moran State Park
- Grays Harbor County
- Hamma Hamma Company
- Hood Canal Coordinating Council
- Hook Environmental
- Integral Consulting
- Island County
- Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
- Jefferson County
- Kalispel Tribe of Indians
- Kara Nelson Consulting
- King County
- Kitsap County
- Klickitat County
- Kongsgaard-Goldman Foundation
- Kwiáht
- Lake Washington / Cedar / Sammamish Watershed
- Lilliwaup Falls Generating Company
- Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board
- Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
- Lummi Nation
- Mason Conservation District
- Mason County
- Moran State Park
- Muckleshoot Tribe
- NOAA Fisheries
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- National Park Service
- Nisqually Tribe
- Nooksack Tribe
- Nootka Marine Adventures
- Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
- Northwest Marine Technology
- Ocean Networks Canada
- Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
- Pacific Crest Seafoods
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Pacific Northwest Salmon Center
- Pacific Salmon Commission
- Pacific Salmon Foundation
- Pierce County
- Point-No-Point Treaty Council
- Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe
- Port Metro Vancouver
- Port of Seattle
- Puget Sound Partnership, including Salmon Recovery Council
- Puyallup Tribe
- Quinault Indian Nation
- Robbins Family
- San Juan County
- Seattle City Light
- Simon Fraser University
- Skagit County
- Skagit System Cooperative
- Skagit Watershed Council
- Skokomish Tribal Nation
- Smith-Root
- Snake River Salmon Recovery Board
- Snohomish County
- Squaxin Island Tribe
- State of Washington (legislature)
- Stillaguamish Tribe
- Tacoma Public Utilities
- The Nature Conservancy
- The SeaDoc Society / UC Davis
- Thurston Conservation District
- Thurston County
- Trout Unlimited
- Tulalip Tribes
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Forest Service
- US Geological Survey
- US Navy
- University of British Columbia
- University of Victoria
- University of Washington
- Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board
- Vulcan Philanthropy
- Washington Department of Ecology
- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Washington Department of Natural Resources
- Washington Department of Transportation
- Washington Salmon Coalition
- Washington Sea Grant
- Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office & Salmon Recovery Funding Board
- Washington State University
- Western Washington University
- Whatcom County
- Wild Fish Conservancy
- Wild Salmon Center
- YMCA Camp Orkila
- Yakima Basin Fish and Wildlife Recovery Board